Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This week Austin is learning the letter M.  We are reading 'If You Give a Moose a Muffin' and doing activities to go along with the book.  Here he is doing a maze to get the moose to the muffin.
Then he did a muffin counting graph.

We ran a day behind in ancient India.  On Monday Gavin painted his salt dough map.

Adelaide was playing with Play-Doh and pom poms.  She has figured out how to open the craft closet.  That is not a good thing!

Gavin did a science experiment to test how oxygen can affect things.  He put steel wool in two test tubes.  One was wet when he put it in the tube.  Then he placed both tubes in a glass with shallow water at the bottom.  When he checked it today the tube with the wet wool was starting to rust...or iron oxide as we call it here.

While he was setting up his experiment Adelaide took an interest in some jalapenos Steven had left on the counter.  First she licked one...

then she decided to take a bite...

then she decided maybe she wouldn't eat it after all!

Here is Gavin's salt dough map of ancient India.

He finished up some other books he had on India and then read this book about a missionary in India.

Today Austin worked on sequencing the events in 'If You Give a Moose a Muffin'.  It was a very detailed sequencing so I let him refer back to the book.

Gavin started ancient China today by reading this book and mapping ancient China.

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