Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This week Gavin has been learning about crystals and making some of his own using this kit from Smithsonian.  The kit has been okay.  We haven't gotten anything even close to the pictures on the box but Gavin has been happy with what he has gotten.

Adelaide is obsessed with glue.  I finally gave in and let her use it while Austin was gluing yesterday.

This week Austin is learning the letter S with a snow theme.  I found a great little snow unit to use this week on for free!  Yesterday I gave Austin a bunch of little cutouts of kids playing in the snow and had him glue them into little boxes on a piece of paper.  Then he had to graph how many he had of each child and then he answered questions using his graph.  He really enjoyed this activity.

Adelaide glued the extra pieces onto a piece of paper.

Our neighbor got the kids a bloody doctor set.  I'm not really sure what else to call it.  It's really gross but Austin and Adelaide both love it.  Adelaide was wearing the hat around and then stuck it on the cat's head!

Then she was playing veterinarian with Austin.

Gavin is still learning about ancient China this week.  He put together a display about Chinese inventions.

Here is the first crystal Gavin made.

This morning Austin played with Hot Dot cards.  Basically you use the dog to point to the right answer and he barks and makes noise for yes or no.  He really liked this.  He did some counting cards, some phonics cards (beginning and ending sounds) and rhyming words.  His Halloween party at school was this afternoon so he wore his costume all day.

Today Gavin looked at all his crystals under a magnifying glass and drew what he saw in his science journal. 

Here we are at the party.  Actually, this is pre-party, Adelaide and I had an hour and a half to blow before party time. 

I was getting things ready and lost Adelaide only to find her participating in story time with her big brother's arm around her.

Austin declared it the best party ever so I guess it was successful.  Here are some of the books I've read with Austin this week.

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