Sunday, October 27, 2013

One of the things the moose in 'If You Give a Moose a Muffin' does is make sock puppets, so this week Austin made a sock puppet.  Gavin just had to do it too.  He was supposed to be reading about China but when he heard sock puppets and then Austin said he was making a dragon puppet, Gavin came out and said that he should do one too because dragons are very important to the Chinese...I couldn't really argue with that, so, it ended up being a project for both of them.  
The pipe cleaners would be the flames of fire coming from their mouths.

Gavin made another salt dough map of China.  He wasn't feeling well on Friday so he hasn't labelled it yet.

Austin made his own salt dough creation, which he then dropped into a cup full of water and carried around the house dropping water everywhere and then turned it into a ball and set it on the counter to dry, so I'm not sure that was really worth it.

Another thing the moose does in Austin's book this week is to sew on a button.  Austin tried his hand at the lacing cards.

Here is Gavin painting his salt dough map of China.

Adelaide and Austin had fun playing on the couch.  Apparently it was a ship in a bad storm about to be shipwrecked.

Gavin worked on another Matisse inspired art project, exploring shape and dimension.  First he traced his hand many times on his paper, then traced over each outline with black marker and then used bright colors to make patterns inside each hand.

We finally finished learning about the periodic table and how atoms work (at least as much as we will learn this year).  We didn't do any exciting experiments this week but next week (well, really this week since I'm typing at 12:30 a.m. on Monday morning) we will be growing crystals and learning about acids and bases.

Here are the books about China Gavin read this week.

Sorry I'm behind in posting to the blog.  I'll try to be better this week!

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