Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Austin is reviewing his vowel sounds and working more at identifying vowels in words as well as beginning blends.  Yesterday I read words to him and he had to jump up and down if there was an 'e' sound in the word and do jumping jacks if there was an 'i' sound.
In RightStart Math he put abacus flashcards and tally mark flashcards in order 1-10.

Yesterday was a bit of a trying day so that's all the pictures I took.  It wasn't bad attitudes just multiple broken objects, beads accidently dropped and rolling all over the floor...that sort of thing.
This morning Adelaide worked more on placing stickers in different scenes.  She really loves these Kumon books.

Austin did his work in his Navy suit.  I made him take the gloves off though.

Then Adelaide worked on her colors in her Abeka book.

Austin and I played a matching game with the abacus cards.

He wasn't a much better winner than Gavin used to be when he was in kindergarten.

In science we learned about craters while Gavin read more about the sun.  Austin, Adelaide and I dropped marbles into a bin with sand in it to see how craters are made.  The sun was kind of glaring off Austin's uniform.  Obviously, Gavin couldn't be left out.

I also discovered a globe beach ball in our science kit so I blew that up and we went back in the bathroom to demonstrate an eclipse and to show that when it's daytime on one side, it's nighttime on the other.  Austin thought that was amazing.  Gavin and I talked a little more in-depth about why we have time zones.
Then we made a pinhole sun viewer to look at the sun.

Gavin worked on geometry today using cubes. I would tell him to build an array 2 X 3 X 3 and he would build it and find the area of the shape.

Here are the books we have read.  Austin, Adelaide and I read this today.
And this yesterday.  We are studying the rise of the Islamic Empire this week.

Gavin finished Beowulf and we listened to the first part of it in Old English on YouTube which was fun if unintelligible.

And the first half of this book today.


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