Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tuesday Austin and Adelaide played super heroes after school.  They were very cute!

This morning Adelaide worked on gluing in her Kumon workbook.  She glued cars into parking spaces and then glued ice cream scoops onto an ice cream cone.

Austin continued to work in his kindergarten books. 

Adelaide was nice enough to name the objects in the pictures so he could circle the vowel in the word.

Austin is excited to be using the abacus.  I'm not sure why it's so fun but he's been looking forward to it for a while. 

In science the boys are learning about the sun so today we did a little sun experiment.  First we went into the bathroom with two Styrofoam balls and a flashlight to demonstrate how an eclipse happens, then we went outside to test the power of the sun.
Yesterday I put a chocolate bar in the refrigerator and today I brought a piece out and placed it on the sidewalk.  Gavin used the magnifying glass to shine the sun on the chocolate for two minutes. 

Then the boys tested the chocolate to see what happened.

We did this three times just changing the size (intensity) of the circle.  The last time Austin just had a little pinprick of light on the chocolate.  This chocolate was nearly melted down to liquid at the end of the two minutes.

The boys recorded their findings in the science journals.
We started this craft yesterday but didn't quite finish so we finished it this afternoon.  We made stain glass windows!  I printed a picture of a Celtic design (because Gavin's been reading about the Celts) and had two transparencies made.  Adelaide got to color the original print with markers, which made her very happy!

The boys colored the transparencies with permanent markers. 

Then we crinkled foil and put it over scrap cardboard and taped the windows to it.  The foil helps reflect the light and they turned out very pretty.  I found this craft on this blog:


You may notice that Adelaide is not wearing a diaper...she had potty trained herself over the last couple of weeks and is out of diapers! This is the first time in over eight years I haven't had diapers to change!
Austin, Adelaide and I read these books today.

And Gavin read these books.


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