Thursday, August 14, 2014

Today was Gavin's unofficial first day of 3rd grade and Austin's unofficial first day of kindergarten.  It was unofficial because we started school work but didn't have our usual first day celebrations.  We are going to do all that on Monday.  Today and tomorrow will just be a quiet introduction before it's back to the normal schedule next week.  It's a good thing too since we started forty minutes later than we were supposed too.  We have to get used to getting up and ready in the mornings again.
Adelaide was very happy to have her own school books this year.  She learned the number 1 and the color red.

Austin is reviewing his letters and learning to write in cursive.

Gavin is spending more time working on his own.  This year I am giving him a list of things to do in the morning while I work with the little ones and then I work with Gavin in the afternoon.  He checks off the activities as he completes them.

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