Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Mobile

This morning Gavin and Kaitlynn made a fall leaf mobile.  Gavin was having attitude issues and wasn't able to join them in the craft today.  Maybe he can make his tomorrow.  Anyway, first they painted their leaves and swirls...

...then I cut out the leaves and swirls.  Kaitlynn placed her leaves on the swirl on tape I put down but I put Austin's together for him.  He knew it was his though and was very proud of it.  Of course, he wanted to play with it and threw a fit when I took it away to hang it up.  I put it by a window near his seat at the table and he kept pointing to it while he was eating so I think he's happy now.

One good thing about the Renaissance Festival (at least from Gavin's perspective) is that now Austin wants to be a knight too.
Austin runs around the house as much as Gavin with his sword and shield (or sword and horse as in this picture) slashing the air in front of him.  I have epic battles being waged daily in my living room.

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