Friday, October 8, 2010

Pumpkin Farm!

Yesterday Gavin got to work on his leaf mobile while Kaitlynn and Austin played with Play Doh.

Then we went outside to play.
Austin got caught rearranging my pumpkins.

Since it was so nice outside we decided to have a picnic.  We've had several this week.

This morning we got to go on a field trip to the pumpkin farm...always a favorite!
Austin loves looking at animals.  The chickens were lots of fun!

This goat look innocent enough, but he was eating the wood off the top of his little house.  He may regret that next time it rains.

 Gavin and Austin both enjoyed the hay maze.  Gavin went all the way through it with his friends (his teacher was nice enough to remember flashlights because it is completely dark in there).  Austin wanted to go through it when he saw Gavin go in but never turned the corner where it got dark.  He had fun just the same.

Then it was off to the paddy wagon. 

Austin fed the goats while Gavin was playing on the paddy wagon.

Then on to the hay ride.  I cannot get both boys to look at the camera and smile at the same time!

When the hay ride was over we went into the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkins to take home.  Austin took his time examining all the pumpkins before making his choice...Gavin has been through the process before so he didn't take too long to find his perfect pumpkin!

Time for an attempt at a posed shot on a pumpkin...

They finally both smiled for this one but that was only because Austin was falling off the pumpkin!

That's as good as it gets!

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