Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween!  We did!  Here's all the kids ready to go (Leyla couldn't even sit she was so excited!).  They looked great!

Austin got right into the swing of things this year and quickly figured out what he was supposed to do.

For the third year in a row, Gavin and Zoe held hands the entire time.  Abe Lincoln and the princess, very cute.  Maybe next year we should start coordinating their outfits.  George and Martha, Adam and Eve, Bonnie and Clyde?  Just kidding!

It's not easy to wait for the little ones to catch up but Gavin and Zoe were surprisingly patient.

Someone set their Jack o'lantern on fire.  At least, I hope they set it on fire...if not, their pumpkin caught on fire.  Either way it was very entertaining.

Trick or treating is very hard work!

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