Friday, October 15, 2010

Park and Pets

This morning we made a scarecrow out of a paper plate. Austin needed a lot of help with this one but he did a good job. Gavin said it was too easy.
It took Austin a while to figure out he was supposed to put things on the glue.  He was starting to catch on by the end of the craft.  Then he just wanted the glue and got mad because I wouldn't let him play with it.

Then we went to the park.  Both the boys had a great time on the slide.

 This afternoon I got to help Gavin's class at school make tie dye t-shirts which was lots of fun.  Then, since we had an hour until school was out, Austin and I went to PetsMart to look at the animals.  I've been meaning to take him for a while since he likes animals so much but haven't had the opportunity so today was the day!  We had lots of fun.  He really liked the parakeets although he seemed a little confused as to why they were in a cage.

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