Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Preview

Today was Gavin's Halloween party at preschool so the boys got dressed up and enjoyed crafts, snacks and games. My camera broke right after the games started but here is what I got up until then.
Gavin made a very handsome Abraham Lincoln.

Austin was not thrilled with his costume but he looked really cute!
He refused to keep the hat on which was kind of sad.

Gavin enjoyed the party but quickly lost his top hat and bow tie.

They reappeared for the 'parade' into the gym.

The problem with top hats is that everyone wants to bang on the top of them making them a little hard to wear.
I did get a picture of Gavin wrapping his teacher to make her a mummy.
That's all I got! Gavin enjoyed the party and Austin enjoyed being at his big brother's school.

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