Friday, November 18, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts this week.  We have been mostly reading and reviewing so it hasn't been super exciting.  Here are some pictures from this morning.

Both of the boys spent some time reading.

Austin played his caterpillar sequencing game.  Today he went from smallest to biggest just to change it up a little.

Gavin started telling time to the quarter hour.

Then we did some Picasso painting.  We learned that Picasso spent some time working for theater groups designing the staging and sets.  During this time he painted clowns and theater performers.  So today Gavin painted a stage, using bright theatrical colors and blocks of color.  Next week we will add a clown to the stage.  The clown will be made out of scraps of paper cut into different geometric shapes.

While Gavin worked on his language and cursive handwriting, Austin and I read these books.

This week, Gavin and I read these books about the colonies.

We have also read a chapter on soap making and candle making in our "Everyday Life of the American Colonists" book.  We were supposed to make candles but haven't had time so hopefully we will get to it next week.

Today we read a couple fun fiction books about eating.  Gregory is a goat who doesn't want to eat trash from the dump but prefers fruits and vegetables.

We are still reading The Wind in the Willows before bedtime.

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