Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This morning Austin ran into the school room saying he wanted to do school and he stayed busy doing 'school' things all morning!  He did a new game I put out for him today.  I put color words on the front of four paper bags and he had to put pictures of fruit and vegetables in the correct bag based on their color.  He really liked this game for some reason, I think it was the paper bags he liked.

Then he colored a picture of a scarecrow.

While Austin was coloring his scarecrow, Gavin was reading to me.  Then I set him up with work in cursive writing and his phonics book and went into the living room to read to Austin.  Gavin is doing a good job working independently and I'm trying to get the amount of time extended to about ten minutes.  So far, he does a good job following directions and doing the work correctly when he's by himself.

The first book Austin and I read was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" again.  This time I got out some of the items mentioned in the book and Austin put them in order as we read the story to work on learning sequencing.  Austin loved this too!  So as we read, he set out the moon and sun, then all the food that the caterpillar ate (and we had one apple, two pears, three plums, etc so he worked on counting as well).

We ended with the butterfly!  Here is Gavin finishing up his language work.

Then he added the correct vowel to make a word.  Before this he has just added the final consonant to make a word.

In math I gave him a few simple worksheets dealing with telling time to the hour and half hour.  Our math book was done with it and I wanted to make sure Gavin has it down before we move on.

Of course, Austin had to do a worksheet too so he circled the smallest object in the box.

Then he did the fruit sorting game again.

After math Gavin and I read a couple more books about Pilgrims and then he started adding Pilgrims to his history journal.

This page says, "The Pilgrims came to the New World from England.  They wanted religious freedom."  The picture is a Pilgrim going into the Mayflower.
This page says, "The Pilgrims built houses and planted crops in a new town called Plymouth."

Here are the books that Austin and I read today.

Here are the books that Gavin and I read today.

We read a chapter of Pilgrim stories at lunch.  We only have three short chapters left so we will finish it tonight at dinner or tomorrow.

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