Friday, November 11, 2011

This morning Austin worked on his caterpillar sequencing.

While he did this, Gavin was working on his cursive writing and then in his phonics book.

While Gavin was working on phonics, Austin and I read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and Austin put the sequencing pictures in order.

Then Austin sorted his fruits and vegetables by colors.

In math, Gavin practiced measuring inches to the half inch.

For the next few weeks until Christmas, we are going to be learning more general information about daily life in Colonial times, starting after Pilgrims and ending before the American Revolution.  We will pick up with the American Revolution after Christmas. 

Yesterday we started a book called, "Stories of Colonial Children".  We read about a little girl who was starting school and about the hornbook she used to learn to read with.  So today, we made a hornbook.  Instead of wood, we used cardboard, and instead of a transparent piece of horn to stretch over the paper, we used contact paper.

I obviously wrote the things on the hornbook, but we looked at pictures of hornbooks online so we could copy them (they are all very similar with the alphabet, then blends, then the Lord's Prayer).
Austin's book:

We just read fun books today in 'history'.  It really had nothing to do with history at all but just fiction books about Thanksgiving.  We'll get back into colonial times next week.

Gavin and I have started reading "The Wind in the Willows" before bedtime.

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