Thursday, November 10, 2011

We did a couple things a little differently this morning.  Since we are coming up to the last month or so of school before Christmas break we are going to be reviewing a little bit of what we have been learning and doing some quick, supplemental activities.  I think it's good to see the same concepts presented in different ways.

Yesterday we read about Moses and the burning bush, this morning Moses finally agreed to go back to Egypt.  Then, instead of reading from our Handbook for Reading, Gavin and I took turns reading from this book that I found at the library.

I had seen these books before and thought they looked like fun and Gavin is finally reading well enough to read them with me.  Basically, the parent reads the left page and the child reads the right page (which just has a phonetic sentence or two).  Gavin enjoyed being able to read the book with me!  And, he got two stickers for his Book-It chart because it was so long.  He only has four more books to go until he gets his free pizza for November.

When we finished reading Gavin worked on his cursive writing.  He started his nicer cursive writing book that is for his best work.  The one he usually writes in is more of a practice book.

Then he did a page in Letters and Sounds dealing with beginning blends and vowels.

I had him do a page in a handbook that had him read a short sentence and write the correct word on the blank.  The sentences said things like, "Is it a tug or a bug?" next to a picture of a tug boat.

Then we learned about measuring using inches.

In science we read a couple books about eating healthy.  One was about why we should eat healthy and the other was about what vitamins and minerals are in certain foods.  I was happy to find this book because Gavin asks me what is whatever food we are eating good for when we are eating broccoli or salmon...because I tell him it's healthy and he wants to know specifically what part of his body it is helping.  The second book we read answered some of those questions!

Then he looked through some grocery fliers and cut out pictures of healthy or not healthy foods and glued them on a piece of paper under the correct heading.  He noticed that most of the food that was on sale was not healthy!

Here are the books we read today.

Gavin also had time to watch an episode of Sid the Science Kid where Sid asks why he can't eat cake every day - talking about nutrition.

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