Friday, November 4, 2011

We had a short school day today because Gavin was not in the mood to do 'school'.  We have started learning about the life of Moses and we read about Moses killing the Egyptian and fleeing to Midian.  Then Gavin read one page in his phonics reader instead of two and worked on his cursive writing.

Then I gave Gavin a few wooden letters and had him spell as many words as he could with them.

Austin did a puzzle and played with his balance game.  Then he played with his piggy bank.

We skipped math today because we only have about ten lessons left in Kindergarten anyway.  We didn't have any books to read in science so we just did one last five senses activity.  We made a graph in Gavin's science notebook and recorded if different items smelled good or bad and if they tasted good or bad.  Gavin had to evaluate cinnamon, vanilla, honey, lime juice and cocoa powder.  Cinnamon, honey and cocoa powder all got a smells good and tastes good rating (I'm not sure he was getting enough cocoa powder to really taste it.  Cocoa was the last one he tried and he was getting a little wary by that time.)  Vanilla and lime juice got a smells good but tastes bad rating.

His reaction to the vanilla.

And, I made this banner on my Cricut machine for Thanksgiving.

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