Monday, December 5, 2011

Another Project

I have several projects I've been working on, some of which I can't post because they are Christmas gifts...but I thought I'd share the knight-themed play house I made.  It fits over a card table. 

I found one on Etsy that I loved but it cost $200.  Of course, she sewed each piece on and it looks better then mine.  I just used Heat n'Bond fabric adhesive because I had enough hours put into it without trying to sew each individual piece on.  Also, her door opened but on this one the boys will have to lift the flap at the corner.  Anyway, here are the pictures.

I also made a headband holder for the baby by covering a large Quaker Oat container with pink fabric and ribbons.  It's not that exciting so I didn't take a picture of it but it works great as a headband holder!

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