Saturday, December 31, 2011

This week we have been getting our house back in order after the holidays and enjoying our new toys!  The boys have had a great time playing with all their Christmas gifts.  So far I don't think there's anything they haven't had fun playing with.  I have gotten all the Christmas stuff packed away and the house back to it's normal look.  I have also washed the baby clothes, blankets, etc. and brought up the baby gear from downstairs and washed it so we are ready for this little one when she decides to make her appearance.  Only six weeks to go!

Austin has had a good time checking out all the baby gear.  Every time he sees something new he says, "I like that!"  I had the car seat in the school room yesterday before I washed it and I walk in to find that he had made himself comfortable in it.

Here is a little preview picture of the baby's room.  Austin loves her little pink chair!  He sits in it to read quite a bit.  Her room is done except for her bedding and the decor above her crib.  Hopefully her crib bedding will be in the mail next week and I can order the decor for above her crib.  Then I will post pictures of her room.  I think it's coming together nicely!

And, I took the basket part of the bassinet off to wash the cover.  Austin made himself at home in the storage bin on the bottom.

Gavin got Viking and Knight stencils in his stocking and he has been using them to make neat pictures.

Austin loves his new monkey pajamas!  They are nice and cozy!

That has been our week.  Not super eventful.  We did go to the park on Thursday but I forgot my camera.  We will start school again on Tuesday and go until the baby is born.  Then we will take a few weeks off as we get used to our new addition and then start up again!

Our Bible verses for January will be Psalm 23.  I won't copy it here because most people probably already know it.  In history we will pick up with the American Revolution and in science we will start a unit about the weather.  Our artist of the month will be Norman Rockwell and our composer will be George Friedrich Handel.  

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