Monday, December 12, 2011

We slacked off a bit last week it seems like so this week we are trying to get back on schedule.  Gavin read a book to Jackson (his dog) this morning.  He really enjoys reading to Jackson.  He read the book twice and then came and read it to me.  Then he worked on cursive writing, phonics and langauge.

Meanwhile, Austin colored a Christmas theme coloring book our church gave to the toddlers.

Then he played with Play-Doh.  As you can see, he didn't get dressed until after lunch.  I offered to get him dressed several times this morning but he just wasn't interested.

Gavin did a color sheet using a color code that revolved around place value.  He is able to read numbers up to thousands place.

Then we read a couple books about poinsettias and did a craft.  We used construction paper to make a poinsettia.  Then used pom poms and glitter to decorate.

They are still drying due to gobs of glitter but I will try to get a picture of the boys with their work this afternoon.  Here are the books we read today.

We are still reading about John Paul Jones before bed.  We had several late nights last week so we aren't getting through it as quickly as we normally would (we don't read if we are out late).

At lunch today we started this book called 'Boys of Grit who Changed the World'.  It's a great book, part of a series, and each chapter focuses on a different man.  Some are well known like George Washington, others are not so well known.  Today we read about Thomas Eaton, who I have never heard of, but we read about how he was able to start one of the most successful department stores in Canada through hard work, forward thinking and innovation.  I like that the stories focus on the good qualities of the people that allow them to do great things and also acknowledges the difficulties they faced and overcame to be successful. 
I thought the stories might be a little much for Gavin but he really liked the chapter we read today.  We'll try another chapter or two and if he still enjoys them we will keep reading.  If not, we will put it aside for later.

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