Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This morning Gavin read one of Austin's Christmas board books.  As I was reading it to Austin the other day I realized it was perfect for Gavin to read and he likes to read 'real' books. 

Austin finished his sticker sorting...he ran out of stickers!

Then he practiced folding washclothes.  He doesn't quite have it down but he enjoyed trying.

Gavin added beginning blends to words and then did another review of place value to 100s place.  He has the concept down but it made him show the numbers/place value in three different ways.  I think it's good for him to see the same number written different ways.

Meanwhile, Austin tried to write with the big pen.  It was a little difficult.

Our Christmas tradition today was Christmas stars.  We read different theories as to how the star came about, then read a couple books and made mosaic stars.

Here are their stars (Gavin used white paper in the middle which is why it looks like there's a big hole in his star).

We read these books.

We didn't get to '25 Days of Christmas' today.  We had our first snowfall of the season so the boys were playing outside this morning which put us a little behind.  We will do two days tomorrow - both activities are fairly easy and not time consuming.

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