Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yesterday we learned about angels and read "The Littlest Angel".  We didn't go much else just a little phonics/reading. 

For '25 Days of Christmas' our activity was going to an assisted living facility to sing to the residents.  Gavin actually did this with his school and it went really well.  The kids had a great time and the residents really enjoyed it too, once they figured out what was going on.  The French kind of threw them off at first.  It was nice because after the kids sang they passed out Christmas cards they had made at school and candy canes to the residents so they got to interact with the people who live there.

We went to this specific facility because one of their residents is actually from France.  She's 92 and came to the States right after World War II.  Gavin had a chance to talk to her a little bit and was excited to get to talk to someone from France.  Apparently, they asked if the kids could go back so hopefully they will get to do another little program at the end of the school year.  After that we had a family Christmas service at church so it was late when we got home. 

This morning I did the craft in Austin's toddler class so we didn't do any school at home.  Our '25 Days of Christmas' activity was to make s'mores in the oven.  I found this recipe on Paula Dean's website.  You just put regular sized marshmallows on graham crackers and stick them under the broiler in the oven until they toast, they prepare as usual.  It had nothing to do with Christmas really but they were tasty anyway.

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