Monday, February 27, 2012

Before we get started on today's activities, I was holding Adelaide yesterday and noticed this!  I think we have another thumb sucker in the house!

This week we are trying to get into a new normal routine.  All was not lost the last couple of week though.  The boys had time to finish watching Liberty's Kids.  It was a great series and they both loved it!

Last week we read these books about the American Revolution.

We have started this chapter book about Benjamin Franklin.

We were reading this before bedtime and finished it.

So this morning it was back to homeschool in the mornings.  This month (March, we are a few days early) our artist is Leonardo.  We don't have a composer yet because we are out of CDs but hopefully I can pick up something this weekend. 

Our Bible verses are Psalm 121:1-8 -
"I life my eyes to the hills -
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip -
He who watches over you will not slumber;
Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you -
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm -
He will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."

I haven't picked out a poem yet but will sometime today or tomorrow.

So this morning Austin got to experiment with 'sink' or 'float'.  Basically I gave him a tupperware container with water and a few things I found around the house.  He had two baskets: one said 'sink' and the other 'float'.  He put an object in the water and then put it in the correct basket.  He had so much fun with this that when he was done we had a little scavenger hunt around the house for more things to put in the water!

Adelaide spent her first day of school snoozing!  Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come!

Gavin worked on cursive letter 'S' and reading.

He is also practicing marking special sounds (blends) he is learning and marking vowels long or short.  He did a few on the white board and then in his phonics book.

Meanwhile, Austin got to play with dinosaurs!  Our new science theme is dinosaurs so you will be seeing lots of them in the next few weeks.

Then Austin played with his penguin counting felt board.  I would put a number, 1-5, on the board and he would put that many fish in the penguin's belly.

Then he did dinosaur matching using flashcards (I got two sets of flashcards).

In math, Gavin and I reviewed place value to the 1000s and adding two-digit numbers.  He has had place values down but seemed to need a little more work on adding two-digit numbers when we started our break but today he had no problems adding so I think he is ready to move on.

Meanwhile, Austin had moved on to dinosaur sequencing.  I only put in four dinosaurs and it was way too easy for him.  I had him point to the biggest and the smallest and then he put it away.

And moved on to dinosaur coloring.  I found this dinosaur coloring book at the Dollar Store!

Gavin is going to do a dinosaur lapbook.  We did a few pieces of it today but I didn't take any pictures...but when he finished he finally got to play with the dinosaurs!

Today we read these books about dinosaurs.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The other day Gavin was counting up the money he's earned doing extra chores around the house.  He wanted to buy some Playmobil pirates but found some American Revolution Playmobil and got those instead.

Adelaide has been playing in her play gym this week.  I'm not sure what she was thinking in this picture!

Yesterday Gavin read her, "Adelaide the Flying Kangaroo".  It is a really cute book about a kangaroo that is born with wings and doesn't like being different but she travels through Europe and has many adventures and then saves some children trapped in a burning apartment and realizes that being different isn't a bad thing.  Apparently, it's a children's classic in Europe.  Anyway, Gavin read through the whole book (and it is fairly long with some long words).  His reading has drastically improved since Christmas break!

Adelaide sleeping in her car seat.