Monday, February 6, 2012

In math, Gavin has been working on place value, patterns and shapes.  Friday he worked on making different shapes using squares and making patterns.  Today we worked on place value to the 1000s place.  I called out a number and he had to show me the number with our 100s blocks and the abacus and his place value cards.  He does a great job with place value and I even gave a couple numbers with a 0 in them thinking I'd trick him but he got both of them.

We have been doing a lot of reading lately as well as cursive writing.  Gavin is also learning how to pick out the special sounds we are learning in phonics in given words and how to mark vowels.

Gavin learned about right triangles today and made squares, rectangles and triangles out of right triangles.

On Friday we read this book about Nathan Hale.  I think I might have posted this another day but can't remember.  It's one of Gavin's favorite books so we have read it numerous times.

We also read this book about a little girl who used her hanging laundry to spy on the British.  It's a great story and we've read it again but it makes me cry so it's hard to read out loud.

Today we read this book about a girl who rode her horse through the countryside in the middle of the night to warn everyone about the British.  Another good story and one I haven't heard of before.

We read about Washington crossing the Delaware River.

And we read about Henry Knox, a bit of background but mostly about how he got all the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga in New York down to Boston.

We are still reading Viking Adventure before bedtime.

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