Thursday, February 23, 2012

The other day Gavin was counting up the money he's earned doing extra chores around the house.  He wanted to buy some Playmobil pirates but found some American Revolution Playmobil and got those instead.

Adelaide has been playing in her play gym this week.  I'm not sure what she was thinking in this picture!

Yesterday Gavin read her, "Adelaide the Flying Kangaroo".  It is a really cute book about a kangaroo that is born with wings and doesn't like being different but she travels through Europe and has many adventures and then saves some children trapped in a burning apartment and realizes that being different isn't a bad thing.  Apparently, it's a children's classic in Europe.  Anyway, Gavin read through the whole book (and it is fairly long with some long words).  His reading has drastically improved since Christmas break!

Adelaide sleeping in her car seat.

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