Monday, February 13, 2012

We are all home and adjusting to life as a family of five.  As long as we don't have to leave the house it goes fairly smoothly.  I just wanted to share a few pictures from the last 24 hours.

This was actually taken last Thursday.  Austin insisted I get a picture of him with his painting.

Adelaide tried out her crib for a while yesterday after she got home.

She seemed to find it comfortable enough.

Gavin helped make chocolate covered Rice Krispie treats today.  We cut them in heart shapes and put them on a popsicle stick then dipped them in chocolate.  We are going to take them to the boy's teachers tomorrow for Valentine's Day.  Gavin actually left me after the treats were made and skipped out on the rest of the making process.  We are all having a little trouble focusing this weekend.

Adelaide chose her ice skating outfit for her first snow day. 

She had her first doctor's appointment today.  It went well once we were able to get out of the house!  Her bilirubin levels are starting to come down so hopefully her jaundice will be cleared out in a couple days.

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