Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In math this week Gavin has been working on place value to 100s.  On Tuesday I would say a number and he would have to show the number using his abacus and with place value cards.  Since we only have one abacus and we were working with numbers over 100, we used wooden cubes to represent 100.

We also read about John and Abigail Adams.  We didn't do our project until today though...more about that in a minute.

Today Austin played with his matching game for a little while and then left us for greener pastures.

Gavin worked on capital cursive letter 'J' and reviewed his cursive.  He is starting to write in cursive in his everyday writing, even when he doesn't have to.

We reviewed our place value to 100s, doing the same activity we did yesterday.

Then we worked on adding 100s and finding parts to numbers over 100.  If you remember on Monday we did this with 10s.  So if the problem is 40 + 30 =, we added 4 + 3 =, getting the answer and adding a 0 to it because it's 10s.  Today we did the same thing but the problem would be 400 + 300 =.  So we would still break it down to 4 + 3 = but add two 0s since it was 100s.  We also got parts to 100s, for example 800 = 200 + ?.  We broke that down to 8 = 2 + ? and then added our 0s.

Then Gavin had 5 different size rectangles.  He put them in order smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.  Then he made a new, big rectangle using 3 of them, then 4 and then all 5.

Since we didn't have time for our John and Abigail project yesterday, we did it today.  Since they were from Boston, we made Boston Brown Bread!  Gavin did it all, he even cracked the eggs and mixed everything by hand since I didn't get the mixer out.

The recipe called for 1/2 cup molasses and we lucked out because we had exactly 1/2 cup left over from Christmas cookies!  A couple months ago we read a book called Molasses Man that talked about how molasses is made.  So while we were mixing we discussed why colonists would have used molasses to sweeten their food rather than white sugar like we are used to today.

We all agreed it turned out yummy!

Yesterday we read these books.

Today we read these books.  Since I only had one science book to read we read about Nathan Hale.  This is one of Gavin's favorite books anyway so he knows the story well.

Today we finished our weather unit by learning about meteorologists and how they predict the weather.

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