Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adelaide is growing every day!  Yesterday I got this picture of her with her eyes open.  She tends to be up the most in the evening.

Today Gavin wrote a book for Adelaide.  He drew the pictures and then asked me to write down the words so I wrote down the story as he told it to me.  I thought it was cute.

This is the says, "A Book About Knights and Princesses".  It is actually about one knight and one princess.

"Princess Adelaide riding on a pink horse."  This truly has nothing to do with the rest of the story but is sweet anyway.

"Knight Gavin fighting a terrible, deadly dragon."  I like how both Gavin and the dragon are smiling in this picture.

"Knight Gavin struck the dragon and the dragon spread it's terrible wings and flapped them wildly.  Then he roared a huge burst of fire and Knight Gavin."  Gavin is still smiling despite the flames.

"But the dragon was mortally wounded and fell down dead."

"Princess Adelaide welcomed the brave Knight Gavin home and thanked him for saving her kingdom."  The book has been placed in her bookcase so she can read it when she's older.

Also today was Adelaide's first trip to church.  She looked very pretty but slept through the whole service.

Adelaide smiles a lot.  She gives Gavin big toothless smiles when he sings for her which he, of course, loves!

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