Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything.  I've actually tried a few times but was having trouble getting the pictures from the camera onto the computer.  We have spent a lot of time outside the last week.  The weather has been perfect and we are enjoying every minute of it!

Adelaide's hot pink pants have become capri's just in time for summer so that's worked out nicely!

They boys and I started a compost bin using a Rubbermaid tub (I found directions online).  I had them find worms to put in our bin.

Then we added the worms to our compost bin.  We will see if it works or not!
Adelaide continues to work on her neck strength and she has made big improvements over the last week.  She is also grabbing the toys on the play mat.  These pictures were taken last week, you will see a big difference between these and some pictures I've taken the last couple of days further down in the post.

The nice thing is she doesn't mind tummy time on the play mat since it has the little pillow below her.  This picture is of Adelaide during Gavin's soccer game on Saturday.

It was his final game with this team and he got a nice trophy to show for it.

Monday the boys played with sidewalk chalk and then we made a hopscotch board for them to jump on.

Adelaide thinks hopscotch is for losers.  Just kidding, but she wasn't into all the hopping about...

The boys also played with GI Joes this week.

Our neighbor brought over a bunch of styrofoam for the boys to play with.  They immediately turned it into a road for their cars.

Here are pictures of Adelaide doing tummy time today.  She's holding her head up for quite a while!

That's been our day.  Poor Austin went to the doctor this morning.  Turns out he has an ear infection and pink eye!  Hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow and won't spread it to anyone else in the house.

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