Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Adelaide continues to grow and get prettier every day.  Of course, we are totally unbiased!  She's been very happy the last few days and has started talking to us a lot.  Gavin thinks this is wonderful and insists she's speaking French!  These pictures of her were taken yesterday.

This morning the boys worked on a school project for the end of the year.  They painted a sign that says, "Merci" with watercolors.  Then I took a picture of both of them holding their sign and one of the moms at school is going to make a photo book with all the kids pictures for the teachers.

Gavin worked on his language, cursive writing and a little math this morning.  He is almost done with his workbooks and it's all review so I told him he only has to do one page each day but if he wants to do more to finish early he can.  While Gavin did his work, Austin worked on shape puzzles.

Then Gavin painted a sealer onto the bottom of his bullboat.  We are going to let it dry overnight (it dries clear) and then float our boat in the tub tomorrow!

Here are some pictures of Adelaide from this morning.

More pictures of the boys.

We finished our morning with a nice picnic on the deck!

We read these books today.

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