Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Since it was Memorial Day weekend we broke out the pool.

The pool was not quite what I thought it was...apparently the box and I had a failure to communicate because for some reason I thought it was much bigger then it turned out to be.  Oh well, that's what you get for shopping in the clearance section at Wal-Mart when you are eight months pregnant!  The boys enjoyed it anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Poor Adelaide was used as a motorcycle raceway by her brothers.

She looked very pretty in her Memorial Day outfit though.

Our neighbors let us borrow their Bumbo seat.  At first Adelaide wasn't quite sure what to think of it.  She didn't not like it, but she wasn't sure if she liked it.

She has really started reaching for things this week.  She is grabbing the toys on her bouncy seat and grabbing for toys you put in front of her.

This afternoon we tried the Bumbo seat outside and Adelaide really liked that!  She sat right up and watched her brothers riding their bikes in the driveway.  She can only hold her head up for a few minutes right now so she's not it in long before I lay her down to rest.

Here are Gavin and Austin riding their bikes.

Adelaide contemplating how her life is going so far....

And more bike riding...

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