Monday, May 21, 2012

We had an exciting weekend celebrating both Gavin's kindergarten graduation and Austin's third birthday (he finally got his cake!).  Gavin is officially a 1st grader!

Austin wanted a firetruck cake and that's what he got.  It was a little droopy because we hadn't turned on our air conditioner yet and I didn't think about it being too warm for icing until I was almost done and wondering why my icing was being difficult!  Austin liked it anyway.

He was ready to dig in as soon as he blew out the candles.

Then it was present time!

Today Gavin worked on building a Lego helicopter.  He did a great job!  It's 393 pieces and has two instruction books and he worked very diligently all morning on it.  I only had to help him a couple times.  He has it almost together but didn't get time to put the propellers on so he's going to do that in the morning.

Austin is not allowed to touch the Lego helicopter which made him very sad so we made a helicopter out of the Duplos.  He did not want me to take a picture of it which is why he is mad at me in this picture.

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