Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Weekend 2012

It's been a busy Father's Day weekend here.  We kicked it off on Saturday, when Dad and the boys spent the day exploring.  We started off at the nature center, where the boys always have fun.  Most of the time was spent looking at the animals and exhibits indoors, but I did take this picture of the boys next to the bronze turtle sculpture.  Austin's not dancing in this picture; he's recoiling from the extremely hot metal.

Next we went and picked blueberries.  Unlike Kristyn, I don't always plan all the details.  I tend to wing it a little bit.  Sometimes that results in forgetting important things like hats for the boys (I did cover them in sunscreen).  So, they had to wear the old hats I keep in the truck.

This one MAY have ended up in Austin's sack, but most of them ended up in his mouth.

Between the three of us, we managed to pick about a gallon (5.25 pounds on the farmer's scale) in a little over an hour.

Next up was a trip to the (air conditioned) museum inside the state capitol.  The boys, especially Gavin, really enjoy this place.

Some kids are rule followers, and some are not.  Care to guess based on this next picture which of the boys is which? 

This next picture shows the boys checking out a scale model of the U.S.S. Missouri, which I found really interesting.  I didn't have time to read all the information they had on it, but I gather that they used this during the design and testing of the ship prior to commisioning.  I'll have to go back sometime on my lunch hour (I work maybe half an hour from the capitol) and read the rest of the display information.

We ended our day with a trip to Central Dairy for some ice cream!

It was crowded inside, so we started off eating our ice cream outside.  Then it became apparent that Austin does not know how to hold an ice cream cone, so we went back inside and got a bowl for him before he dropped his scoops on the sidewalk.  Once we were inside we lucked out and got an open booth and finished our ice cream inside.

Once we got home and washed off the blueberries (and ate about a pint of the best ones), this is what we ended up with.  

For Father's Day, Kristyn made steak, potatoes and green beans (from our garden) for dinner.  It was excellent (as usual).  We also enjoyed Adelaide's first feeding of solid food!  Pureed peas aren't exactly steak and potatoes, but she seemed to enjoy them.

She wasn't so sure at this point,but she eventually figured out they weren't so bad.

By the time she was done she looked like she was in a food coma.  But, she managed to finish the whole bowl!

We finished it off with the wonderful cake that Kristyn baked.  A nice end to a nice Father's Day weekend.

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