Thursday, June 7, 2012

We have had a fun week!  The boys have ridden their bikes, played with lots of knights and Gavin even managed to see Venus as it traveled across the sun!

Austin used Adelaide's gym for an ocean while he was playing with his ship.  The boys spent most of the day Tuesday in their pajamas.  They've been going to Vacation Bible School at our church in the evenings this week so they had to get dressed eventually.

Adelaide was not happy that Austin was messing with her toys!

Both of the boys have been playing with the Playmobil knights this week.

They also danced around to George Handel.  I'm not sure the style of dance was appropriate for Handel but they had fun.  Austin promptly stopped dancing when he saw the camera come out.  He danced around a lot today too but as soon as he sees the camera he stops dancing!

Then we went to the roof of the Physics building on campus to watch Venus pass in front of the sun.  I have to admit, I was disappointed by this event.  It was barely a speck in front of the sun and I had expected something much greater.  But, Gavin was impressed with it so I'm glad we made the effort to see it.  They passed out these special sun viewing glasses when we got to the roof....Austin just liked the glasses!

Adelaide agreed with my assessment of the event.

Yesterday Adelaide was full of smiles!  She is almost laughing.  She sounds like she wants to laugh every once in a while but she can't quite get it out!  I'm sure she'll be laughing soon though.  Gavin keeps trying to make her laugh and I have no doubt that he will succeed.

Chewing on the hem of her dress or shirt seems to be a new favorite pass time.

Gavin finally lost his front tooth last night.  I'll get a picture up soon.  I didn't take any pictures today!

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