Monday, June 4, 2012

This weekend the boys spent their time playing.  Saturday they sped around the house on the tricycle (Gavin's isn't technically supposed to ride the tricycle in the house because he goes to fast).  Austin took advantage of Gavin's speed and talked on his (pretend) cell phone as Gavin pedaled.  I think they were policemen but they might have been firemen.

Sunday Gavin played with his soccer Playmobil.  We managed to take a walk on the trail on Sunday too.  It was a beautiful day!

This morning the boys played with cars.  The cars are Austin's favorite toys right now.

Austin really likes to drive his cars around on the play mat.

I interrupted him for a few minutes to play Memory with the bird memory game.

Adelaide watched her brothers play while she sat in her Bumbo seat!

By this time Gavin had brought out the Playmobil knights.  They stayed out all afternoon.

Adelaide is really grabbing for anything she thinks she can get her hands on.

I managed to get some big smiles from her today!

She can smile and chew on her hands at the same time!

The knight party was interrupted by the mailman.  He brought Gavin a box that contained a suitcase and other goodies in it from Little Passports.  It should be a really fun program!  Each month they send a kit revolving around a particular country.  You put a sticker on that country on the map and then they have information about the country and games, etc.  I am going to try and make sure to get a couple books from the library and maybe have a meal planned to extend the activities.  This month he got the suitcase, world map, passport and some codes to figure out.  Gavin solved the codes and found out that next month we will start our journey learning about Brazil!

Here he his trying to crack the code!  It was very serious business.

Then it was back to playing knights with Austin.

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