Friday, June 22, 2012

This week the boys have spent their time alternating between the Playmobil knights and the Tonka construction trucks.  Austin does have a swim diaper on in this picture...he's not naked!

Adelaide looked very comfy during her nap yesterday!

More knights...

Here's some pictures from today.  Adelaide watched her brothers play knights on the deck first thing this morning.

Gavin and Austin played knights on the deck until they ran out of shade and then they went to digging with the trucks under the deck.  They were out until mid-afternoon when I finally made them come inside because it was really hot!

This is Adelaide watching me make lunch.

Max is helping with the digging that's taking place out back.  Gavin insists he's looking for a mole...I think he's just digging.

The boys had put on their swim trunks because they said they were going to play in the sprinkler but I don't think they had the sprinkler on for ten minutes before they got out the trucks.

When the boys came inside Adelaide watched them from her exersaucer...who needs toys?

I like this look she's giving them!  I expect they'll be seeing it again!

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