Friday, June 1, 2012

We haven't done anything exciting this week, just enjoying a week with nothing on the schedule.  It doesn't happen very often and it's been great.  We rode bikes, walked on the trail and played outside every day.

Adelaide is getting stronger in her Bumbo seat.  These pictures are from yesterday.

Here she is watching her big brothers run around.

She is also learning how to get things in her mouth.

And she still likes to talk to us!

We have this beautiful sunflower in our backyard!  According to Dad, we should be getting cucumbers and zucchini from our garden soon.

We went for a walk on the trail today and finally saw our owl!  We have been hearing him since we moved here a few years ago but have never gotten a glimpse of him.  A few weeks ago right at dusk Steven and I saw him perched on the top of our neighbors house but he was just a silhouette and the boys were asleep so they missed it.  Today he flew into a tree right in front of us and was looking around for several minutes before flying off.  It was very exciting!  When we got home Gavin played soccer in the backyard.

Here is Adelaide watching her brothers play soccer.

We have been reading a book by Thornton Burgess at lunchtime.  This one is just about meadow and forest animals.

Before bed we are reading another Thornton Burgess book about Old Man Coyote.

I got an email from Barnes and Noble earlier this week about their summer reading program.  Basically if you read eight books by the end of the summer you get a free book.  Well, Gavin has already read his eight books!  He read three this morning.  He read three Step into Reading Level 2 books, Franklin Rides a Bike, The Knight and the Dragon, Courduroy goes to the Beach, Hit the Ball Duck and a French book called Je Suis Malade.  So we are ready to go to Barnes and Noble and get our free book already!

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