Monday, November 19, 2012

Here's a couple pictures of my daughter, who doesn't like to take naps.  Nap #1 last Friday:
Yup, she's sleeping standing up.  Here's nap #2:

Fell asleep sitting up.  At least she's not standing this time.  

Saturday the boys and I went to a children's museum.  As always, we had a great time.  Austin drove a mail truck.

Then the boys became mechanics.

Gavin scooped out ice cream.

Then the boys tried their hands at fishing.

Then it was on to the pizza parlor.

Next, they became doctors taking care of new babies.

Gavin enjoyed playing with the batteries to make the light bulb light up.

Both the boys loved playing 'store'

On to some more fun exhibits.

Then they went down a two story, really fast, slide.

Next they worked at the construction site.

Gavin and I are taking this week off from school.  Adelaide isn't feeling well.  Hopefully, she'll feel better by Thursday.

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