Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We have had a fairly productive week here this week.  We finally finished our history book that was an overview of the Civil War!  We will spend from now until Christmas focusing more on specific things about the Civil War.
Gavin watched a five minute overview of the Civil War on and today we had a Civil War dinner (see more below!).

In math Gavin's been working hard on Roman Numerals.  Luckily, he seems to find them fun!  We have also been working on multiples.

I made a Venn diagram, one circle was 2 and the other was 5 and put some numbers below.  Gavin put the numbers at the bottom in the correct spot according to what was it's multiple.  I almost tricked him on 10, the first number that is a multiple of both, but he caught it before he put it in the wrong circle.

We worked on Roman Numerals up to the 1,000's place then he worked on adding Roman Numerals.  This gets a little tricky, but like I said, he seems to think it's fun.  He's been pointing out Roman Numerals to me all week long...funny we still use them in random places.  Anyway, the number at the bottom that is all crossed out I wrote in the wrong order and he had to put it in the right order.  I told him to put an X on a numeral when he used it so he wouldn't get confused, not knowing what he already used.  Then he translated the number into real numbers :)

In science we read a book about fish, a book about animals with shells and a book about icebergs (icebergs was a little random with fish and shells but some days are like that).  Gavin traced a diagram of a fish and labelled it as well as a diagram of how a fish's gills work.  Then he traced a snail and labelled that.  He 'made' an iceberg by filling a gallon bag with water and sticking it in the freezer.  We will do more with that tomorrow.

Here are his tracings.

And here are the books we read.

Adelaide has been in the festive spirit this week.  She loves our Christmas decorations!  Here she is doing her favorite thing, chewing on stuff!

These pictures are from today.

We took a break from Roman Numerals to review parts of 15.  We played a logic game making 15 with 2, 3 or 4 parts in columns or rows.  All the cards were gone if done correctly.

 Adelaide crawled over and sat in front of the tree in the kitchen while I was making dinner.  She was actually touching it behind her while looking at me.  It was like she thought I wouldn't notice she was touching the tree as long as she didn't look at the tree!  Too funny!
She thought she was funny at least!

And for dinner, Gavin made us some sausage and apples.  He cooked the sausage, then put it aside and cooked some sliced apples with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon.  Then added the sausage back to it to coat with butter/brown sugar.

Today we read this book about Egypt and Gavin did a little research on hippos.

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