Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This week Gavin has been reviewing in math, adding by 9 and 8 by adding 10 and subtracting 1 or 2.  We have also been playing the game 'Corners' making mulitples of five.  Usually we each get four cards and we see who can come up with the highest number by connecting the four cards but this week we have been playing more like dominoes, both taking a turn and connecting our cards together.  Yesterday we played the new way and today we kept score.

Yesterday we made Confederate beef stew, although our stew probably had a little more meat and veggies in it then what the soldiers were able to enjoy.  Gavin helped chop the vegetables and stir the stew.

Adelaide really enjoyed the stew too!

We read about the battle of New Orleans and Gavin traced the battle.  It was a little different since it was not a land battle.
It's hard to see in the picture but those are ships going up the Mississippi River.

Adelaide is trying to walk holding on to things.  I noticed her taking a few steps pushing one of the chairs in the school room on Sunday, then yesterday I saw her trying to take a few steps holding on to her high chair, so I got out a walker for her to hold on to.  It goes a little fast for her right now but I think she'll have it down before too long!

We finished the last Addy book.  Gavin is so disappointed there isn't another one.  When we finished he said, "Addy has pretty dresses, too bad we can't buy one for Adelaide."  He obviously has never been to an American Doll store!


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