Thursday, November 1, 2012

We have had a great Halloween this week with lots of fun activities going on.  Both the boys went to a homeschoolers Halloween party on Friday and Gavin helped me with Austin's class Halloween party on Tuesday.  We didn't do school on Tuesday since that took all morning.  But we had lots of fun!  Austin got a Halloween stamp in his goodie bag that he immediately wanted to try, which lead to more stamps finding their way out of the closet.

 Adelaide was happy to be celebrating her first Halloween!

Gavin and I read about the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac as well as the battle for Fort Donelson, the Battle of Shiloh and the Battle at Antietam.  Gavin traced the battle of Shiloh and added it to our battle list.  We also watched a video on about the Monitor and Naval battles of the Civil War. (This was on Monday and Wednesday, not all in one day!)

Here is his Battle of Shiloh, it's pretty sloppy!


We finished our fifth Addy book and just started the sixth and final book in the series!

Austin worked on a Halloween puzzle.  It was tricky, but he did manage to get it together with some help.

We are just about done with France.  We read two books about the caves at Lascaux and Gavin classified two more French animals.  We even watched a couple episodes of a Rick Steve's France DVD.


We finally painted our pumpkins!

Adelaide tried lasagna and she loved it!

Finally it was time to get dressed up and go trick-or-treating!

Adelaide did better than I thought in her bunny costume, which was a little small.  As long as the ears were not in her face she tolerated it without screaming.

This morning Adelaide was determined to help Gavin with his schoolwork.  Usually she is too busy getting into other things to pay much attention, but today, all she wanted was her big brother and whatever he had.  Luckily, he didn't mind!

He finished the logic puzzle book he was working on and now he is working on a graphing puzzle book.

Adelaide really wanted his pencil, and when that was taken away, his crayons.

He started his second grade book in RightStart Math by filling out an addition table.  He took his final test for first grade yesterday and he did great!  He only missed one question and the test was four pages long!
Today turned into such a pretty day he took his work outside.

In science, Gavin separated some animal flashcards into their habitats then we added some of them to our animal wall.  He is getting good at guessing which family they belong to and we looked them up on the computer to make sure we were right.

Here's what our wall looks like now.  It looks a little convoluted but we know what's going on for the most part!  We are going to work on it some more next week before beginning oceans.

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