Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yesterday Gavin had a pile of tiles and had to determine if they were an even or odd number without counting them.  He decided the easiest way to do this was to put them in groups of two.  He found out that he had an even number of tiles.  Then he added a group of odd tiles with a group of even tiles, a group of odd tiles with another group of odd tiles, etc. to review odd plus odd equals even, etc.

Austin practiced playing the piano!

We took some time away from all the Civil War battles and focused on the Emancipation Proclamation.  Then Gavin added some pages to his history journal.

The one says, "The Union surrendered at Fort Sumter in the (first - he forgot that word) battle of the Civil War."

"Ironclad ships were first used during the Civil War."

"Spectators watched as the Union fled at the Battle of Bull Run."

and, "Many lives were lost at the Battle of Antietam.

We read these books about the proclamation.

This weekend we also read these books because Gavin just couldn't wait for school on Monday!

Today we read more in our oceans book and then used sand to make the bottom of the ocean.  Gavin made the continental shelf and the continental slope, then added mountains and valleys.

When he was done with his ocean floor we added water and that was when the fun really started.  We talked about sonar and how scientists can tell how deep the ocean is by measuring the sound waves.  Since we don't have access to sonar, we just used a ruler to measure the different depths.

Then he got to play in his ocean.

And then it was Austin's turn.  He pretty much got out all the bath toys and made a mess but he had a great time!

We are still working on this book.  It is taking longer then I expected.

And this book at lunchtime.

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