Sunday, March 31, 2013

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything.  This week was Spring Break and it snowed and was cold most of the week so we didn't do too much.  We did get some spring cleaning done but not nearly enough!  We also participated in a Easter egg hunt with some other homeschoolers.  The kids had to find the eggs in the snow!  Adelaide has decided that walking is an efficient way of transportation and continues to improve her abilities in this area.  This weekend we celebrated Easter with all the usual festivities.

Adelaide ate a very delicious blueberry pancake this week.

We did get out a little bit towards the end of the week.  Thursday we met some friends at the park but it was still chilly and wet.

The boys played knights and army all week.

Yesterday the boys dyed their Easter eggs.  We will be eating lots of egg this week.

The Easter bunny remembered to leave Easter baskets this morning.

These sunglasses are handy.  The lens lift up so when you go inside you don't have to take your glasses off!

Adelaide was pleased with her basket.

Here she is showing me her pink cupcake.  I appreciate that she went right for the pink one!

Here is a picture of the kids all dressed up before church.  

We tried to get a good picture of them after church but you can see how well that went.

Austin was excited to try his Thomas the Train bubble blower.  The good thing was that it make a neat train sound, the bad thing is you are lucky to get one or two bubbles out of it.  You are supposed to blow in it and the bubbles come out the smokestack.  We definitely did not get a bunch of bubbles as advertised on the back.  It wasn't for lack of trying.

Adelaide found a left over decoration from Christmas.  She really liked the sparkles!

Gavin learned out to get himself up in our tree.  The branches have been too high before.  In other Gavin news, he has discovered my Kindle and now he wants one of his own! 

That has been our week.  Not too excited but it was a good week nonetheless.