Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today Gavin did more experimenting with magnets.  First he tested different magnets to see which would pick up the most magnetic chips.

Then he put a piece of paper between the magnet and the magnetic chips to see if the magnetic force would carry through the paper.  It did for our stronger magnets, but not the weaker magnets, although Gavin could still feel a 'pull'.

Then he did the same thing but with a plastic lid.  Most magnets did not pick it up, only the strongest one did.

He recorded his findings in his science journal.

Finally, he tried the strongest magnet with a block of wood.  He couldn't even feel a 'pull' this time.

These are the books we read today.

We have been using this Super Magnet Lab for our experiments this week.  It's been a great resource for us!

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