Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Adelaide is starting to really enjoy playing with blocks.  She has always liked to pick them up and look them over but now she is starting to stack them.
And nest them!

Gavin helped me make a slow cooker chicken n'dumplings recipe I found on Pinterest yesterday.  It was very delicious.  At least, everyone but Austin thought so.

Today Adelaide was being particularly quiet after we started school.  Turns out she had found my lipstick!  She loves to watch me put it on and I usually stick it back on the dresser where she can't reach it but obviously I didn't put it back far enough this morning.  She did a pretty good job keeping it to the bottom half of her face.  Unfortunately, it was also all over her clothes and the carpet!  You just can't be mad at that face though, even if I did spend a good part of my morning scrubbing lipstick out of the carpet!

Yesterday Gavin and I read these books.  We took a break from Pioneer Sampler but will resume next week.  He also added pioneer farm life to his history journal.  I forgot to take pictures but he's going to finish tomorrow and I'll try to get some up.

We have two chapters left in Children of the Covered Wagon.  They are finally in Oregon and are now traveling down the Columbia River.

Today we read about light and sound waves in REAL Science.  Then we read the story of Theodoric, a friar who discovered what makes a rainbow.

It was especially fitting since St. Patrick's Day is coming up and Austin is learning about rainbows this week at school too.  We were going to do an experiment but I haven't been able to find a prism so I'm going to have to improvise.

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