Friday, March 15, 2013

This morning after Gavin finished his tests we played a board game called Wildcraft.  When I was reading the directions it sounded kind of weird but it turned out to be fun.  You just follow a trail up a mountain and as you go you land on plant spaces and trouble spaces collecting cards.  If you land on a trouble space you may get a rash or hay fever or something like that and then you look at the plants you have collected to see if any will cure what your trouble is.  All the plants are real plants that actually are used to cure the trouble so it was interesting.  Then you have to get back down the mountain before it gets dark.  The nice thing about this game (Gavin and Austin played it this afternoon) is that the players work together.  If the other player has a trouble and you have a plant that will cure it then you give them your plant.  And, all players have to make it back down the mountain before dark to 'win' so there is no one winner.

Since we had another beautiful spring day we took a picnic to the park.  Gavin pushed Adelaide on the swings for a few minutes before going off to play.

This evening was the science fair.  Gavin looked very nice!

He had lots of friends there so he enjoyed looking at everyone's project.

And, he enjoyed showing off his project.

I didn't listen in to his discussion with the judges but he says it went well.  They will announce the results tomorrow so we'll see.  It has been a very good experience for him and I think he enjoyed it for the most part.

Gavin finished reading Sitting Bull today.

And we read this book about Remington.  It doesn't talk too much about Remington, just shows some of his famous paintings and sculptures and describes what they are about.

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