Thursday, March 21, 2013

Adelaide has really been working on her walking skills this week.  She has been taking two or three steps at a time for at least a month now but then she starts crawling.  I think she starts crawling because it's faster, not because she can't walk any further because she is deliberately going down to a crawl, not falling.  Anyway, this week she has started walking further distances every once in a while.  This morning she practiced walking back and forth from me to Gavin.

Gavin learned a little more about sound today.  We focused on the fact that sound is caused by vibrations and we learned that the fewer vibrations the lower the sound while the higher the vibrations the higher the sound.  We tested this out by stretching different size rubber bands on a shoe box.  The thicker rubber bands made a lower sound than the skinny rubber bands.  Gavin concluded that the thicker rubber bands didn't vibrate as fast as the skinny rubber bands.  

Then we discussed how this relates to other things, such as the piano.  Since the man who tuned our piano was nice enough to show Gavin the inside of the piano and explain how it all worked, Gavin knew that the hammer (not sure the technical name) hits the strings.  After our rubber band experiment, he decided that the notes on the low side must have thicker strings than the notes on the high side, therefore, the notes on the low end of the piano vibrate less times per second than the notes on the high end.

He added his findings to his science journal.

These are the science books we read today.

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