Monday, September 23, 2013

Austin finished up his week last week by making applesauce.  First he poured in the apples (I peeled and cut them of course).
Then added a little water.

He was very diligent in stirring the apples to make sure they didn't burn.

Then he mashed them up.

He added a little cinnamon and vanilla.

And all done!  Gavin and Adelaide agreed that it was very yummy applesauce.

Our history curriculum incorporates a lot of geography, which I really like.  Gavin enjoys labeling his maps but I have been trying to figure out a better way to make sure he remembers what he labels.  Then I found this great idea by another mom using the same curriculum:

It takes a little preparation (everything about this curriculum requires preparation which is kind of the downside but it's a great curriculum and Gavin loves it), but basically I printed all the names that were on his maps of countries, bodies of water, mountains, and major cities.  Then I laminated them and stuck magnets on the back.  I put copies of the maps he labeled on our dry erase board and he puts the names where they belong on the map.  Best of all, he thinks it's fun.  I also think this is the method I'm going to use for testing rather than making him write it all out...this is much faster!

On Friday Gavin painted another Paul Klee inspired painting.  The trick to this one was he had to make a one line drawing.  So once he put his pencil down he could not life it up again until he was done with the object he was drawing.  Then he traced over it with permanent marker and then painted with water colors over the marker.

His painting was supposed to look something like the creature in this book, which he also read on Friday.

This weekend we went to a farm for a little fall time fun.  Here is Austin going through a straw maze.

The boys got to pet a chicken!

Gavin convinced us all to go through a corn maze.

Austin was not so thrilled with the corn maze.

Sunday evening Gavin had soccer practice.  Adelaide put her backpack on and said, "bye-bye" and started walking away.

This morning Austin started the Letter E.  We are learning about elephants so we read this book.
Then Austin worked on some peanut addition.

Last week Gavin learned how to subtract numbers with up to four digits on his abacus, today he learned out to do the same thing using pictures.

Both boys started making a serpent-headed throwing stick.  Since we learned about Mesopotamia and followed Abraham through to Joseph (we've also been following the story during our Bible time) we are back in Egypt and learning about the Exodus.  Egyptians used these throwing sticks to hunt birds along the banks of the Nile.  We didn't have time to finish today so we will do that sometime later this week.

After she saw both brothers painting, Adelaide insisted she too must also paint.  She is very good at insisting.

We finally finished our book about compounds, elements, etc. but did one more experiment from the book today.  First Gavin dissolved salt in water.  He tasted the solution to see what it tasted like.  Then we put a clear glass bowl in the middle of the salt water, put a piece of foil on top and placed ice cubes on the foil.  Finally, we heated up the water to boiling.

I forgot to take many pictures of this experiment.  But after letting it boil for a few minutes we took it off the heat and let it cool.  Once it had cooled a bit we took out the glass bowl and Gavin tasted the water inside and found that it was not salty at all.  Our little experiment showed distillation by turning the water to a gas and then cooling it back into a liquid (we used the ice cubes to do this fairly quickly) and some of that cooled liquid went into the bowl in the center.  Of course the salt stayed in the water in the pan.

We also got to go on a field trip to the fire station with Austin's school this afternoon.  Adelaide was not very excited about the fire station.  She lasted a couple minutes and then just wanted to go home.

This is the book we finished in science.

We read a few pages from this book today.

And Gavin is starting this book.  It's fiction but follows a girl and her family as they leave Egypt for the Promised Land.

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