Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Austin continues to do activities involving the letter u this week.  Yesterday he used water color paints to paint an umbrella and raindrops.  Then he attached the raindrops to the bottom of the umbrella with yarn so it looks like it's raining.

We are still reading this book by Jan Brett each morning.

We are starting a new country in geography.  Gavin opened the next package from Little Passports and found a dreidel.  This month since we are learning about how the Israelites came to be in history we are going to learn about modern Israel in geography.  We didn't have a book to read so he just traced Israel and the surrounding countries on a map.

In history he labeled a map showing the projected path that Moses and the Israelites took as they crossed over from Egypt to the Promised Land.

Gavin also uncovered his mummified apple.  He drew a picture of both apples in his science journal and wrote adjectives describing them.  Disgusting is the one I think he used the most.

His 'homework' this week was to read The Tower of Babel by William Wiesner.  Every week he has a book he has to read during non-school time.  Usually they are chapter books but this week it was a picture book so he already finished it.

He read this book in science.

He is also reading this book for fun.  It's the true story of an ancient village they have uncovered in the Orkney isles.  The people were alive at the same time as the ancient Egyptians so I thought he might find it interesting to see (and know) that there were other people around at that time even though the Egyptians get all the attention.

Today Austin did an umbrella craft relating to the book we are reading.  First he made his leaf umbrella, then he added the animals to his umbrella in the same order that they came into the umbrella in the book.

This is what he ended up with.

Gavin finished his Egypt lapbook.  Well, almost at least.  All the parts were done he just had to add them to the folder.  He got that done but didn't have enough time to decorate the cover so he'll do that tomorrow or Friday.  Then he'll be officially done.

Today he went all the way back to the beginning and read about Adam and Eve.

And we talked about nanos and nanotechnology in science.  We are taking baby steps into Chemistry, for both of us!

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