Monday, September 16, 2013

Last Thursday Austin finished his apple tree painting.  He used regular paints to make the tree over the water color paints he had used to make the background.  After it dried he added red pom poms for apples.

Gavin did an art project based on one of Paul Klee's paintings called "The Goldfish".  First he drew his picture in pencil.

Then he traced over it in oil pastels.

Finally, he painted over the picture with water colors.

Here is what he ended up with.

This is Paul Klee's painting.

Austin and I read this book.  It's one of my favorite children's books.

Gavin read this Mesopotamian fable.

This weekend we went to the Renaissance Festival.  As always, we had a great time!

Adelaide was a little unsure about the sheep when she first saw them but after a few minutes she decided they were safe to pet.

Gavin spent quite a while talking with the armorer.  He learned all about the different weapons and their uses.

The boys practiced their fencing skills.

Then they rode an elephant!

Gavin tried his hand at jousting again this year.  He managed to get his lance through the hoop!

Both the boys chatted with one of the knights after the joust.

Gavin ran up to this board and stuck his head in it.  When I went to the other side he asked what it was and I told him a fierce knight and took his picture.  He was very surprised when he came around to the other side and saw what it really was!

Adelaide enjoyed the jousting this least all the cheering and clapping.

Austin got a new knight outfit while he was there.  The helmet he's wearing was not included.  I was kind of surprised he could keep his head up with that thing on.

This morning Austin matched some hats and shoes, then found the one without a match.

He did a simple dot to dot.

Gavin watched a video about the ziggurat of Ur and so today he made one using marshmallows and toothpicks.

He would have liked to build it up more but we ran out of marshmallows.

Austin and I read about Johnny Appleseed today.

Gavin read about Abraham.

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