Monday, September 9, 2013

Last Friday Gavin put together the lapbook he has been working on for Egypt.  Once it was finished he had to go back through and read it all again!

Here's what it looks like.

This week Austin started the letter A and our theme is apples.

Adelaide saw him using the dot paints and wanted to try it too.  I thought that dot paints are probably the least messy form of painting available so I let her use them and she loved them!

Last week in science Gavin learned about solids, liquids and gases so today he did an experiment with vinegar and baking soda.  He had mixed the two together a couple weeks ago and noticed the fuzzing bubbles they created.  Today we worked together, because it required a bit of quickness, and mixed vinegar and baking soda in a test tube and placed a balloon on top.  At first Gavin thought it had filled with a liquid, but after feeling the balloon realized that it was actually filled with a gas.  We did this several times, each time with a little more vinegar and baking soda until the balloon stood straight up.

Austin and I read this book today.

Gavin is reading this book today and tomorrow.

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